Latest Stories
December 13th, 2018Look Who Made a Visit to the Eagle’s Nest
The Grinch was well received by NEES even though his reputation is less then stellar. The Honor Choir , lead by Ms. Holla, welcomed him in with his theme song. Click on title to view pictures.
Winter Family Festival at NEES
A great Family Fun Night at NEES for all! A big shout out to everyone that made this possible. Click on title to view pictures.
Whoville Winter Festival Cancelled
The Whoville Festival at NEMS for Saturday, December 8th from 12:00-4:00 has been CANCELLED.
Fall Festival Success
A huge thank you goes out to PTO for planning and holding a great Fall Festival. The smiles on everyone’s faces makes it evident that fun was had by all. Click on the title to view pictures.
2020-21 School Schedules
2020-2019 NEES School Schedule Click on link to view schedule 2019 school schedule
Fall Festival Face Painting
A big thank you to Jill Dockins for her artistic ability. Click on the title to see pictures of students’ faces painted during Fall Festival.
Food Drive
The Holiday Food Drive was a success at NEES. Thank you to all who contributed. A great group of 5th graders helped sort all the food. Click title to see pictures.
Family Read Night
Another Family Read Night was a success. A lot of reading was shared by all. Bring your family to the next one and foster the love of reading. Click title to view pictures.
Honor Choir Performs Veteran’s Day Program
NEES is proud of Veterans and it showed with a fantastic performance by Ms. Holla’s Honor Choir. Click title to view pictures.
Parent Workshop Next Week!
Topic: Coping Skills Join us on Tuesday, 11/13 at 5pm in the NEES library. The holidays are coming up–come learn the tools needed to help your child manage his/her emotions. Snacks will be provided and free babysitting can be reserved by emailing [email protected].